Cheat : Always Hit a Homerun :
While playing with Griffey and while up to bat, press Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, Left on the D-Pad. Now just hit the ball.
Various Cheats :
At the Create Player Name screen, enter 'code' as the first name, and for the last name, enter any of the following "Names":
liddleleague = New Teams invisibleman = Invisible Men bigfoot = Bigfeet weebleman = Weeble Team toothpick Thin Team bigghedz = Big Head Mode (First Win World Series, Rookie Setting) cpuvscpu = CPU vs. CPU Mode (First Win World Series, All-Star Setting) thetick = Tick Team (First Win World Series, Veteran Setting)
Easy Double Play :
When there is someone of first base, press Right, Left, Right and the batter will hit it to second basemen for an easy double play.
Fly Mode :
After fielding a ball, run to any base other than first. Now throw the ball around the bases in this order: First, Second, Third, Home, Third, Second, Home, First, Second, Third, Home. On the next play, press A to leap into the air, then press A or B to "swim".